The future of mine action in Vietnam

Thứ hai, 21/12/2020
The 504 program is halfway through and has achieved many good results, mobilized large resources from the country and partly international resources while contributing to solving the consequences of landmines and UXO after the war.
The future of mine action in Vietnam

The next 5-year plan (2021 - 2025) with the basic goal is to perfect institutions and policies, to improve the capacity of the entire system from central to local levels, to clear about 300,000 hectares of polluted areas, and to support more than 1 million mines / UXO survivors, while actively being responsible for the international mine action program.

Promote relations with other countries, international organizations in general, and KOICA and UNDP, in particular, to accelerate activities to overcome the consequences of mines and UXO.

Source: KVMAP

Hemera Media
