Type Báo cáo
Title Report of the Mid-Term Review of the KVMAP

One of the major M&E activities of the KVMAP project was the Mid-Term Review which was conducted by an international consultant and a national consultant during the period of 16 September to 30 November 2019. The work involved the home-based review of almost 60 documents; interview of over 40 individuals from government officials, VNMAC staff, donor representatives, UNDP officials, experts from INGOs, local NGOs and project staff during the mission of the international consultant to Hanoi from 27 October to 8 November 2019; and an one-day field visit to Binh Dinh province on 5 November to meet with provincial government officials, and to observe survey and clearance work and to visit a school. Then a debrief was given by the MTR team at the VNMAC offices in Hanoi on 7 November and the final report was submitted on 30 November.  

The MTR has recognized significant progress of KVMAP’s components despite a slow start at the beginning in 2018. With regards to progress of the main components, the MTR emphasized that good initial work has been done in terms of capacity building for VNMAC, including various trainings undertaken for VNMAC staff and most significantly the capacity self-assessment exercise which will form the basis of future capacity strengthening work for VNMAC. The MTR report and UNDP Management Response have been submitted to KOICA for additional comments and future reference. Implementation of the recommendations provided in the MTR report will be one of key objectives during the remaining part of the project.

Issued date 01/02/2020